David Cloke
Journal Articles (author)
David Cloke is the author of the following journal articles:
- What Have the Liberals Ever Done for Us? Book Launch
- Liberals with a radical programme: the post-war welfare state, Beveridge and the Liberal Party 75 years on
- The Liberal Party, health policy and the origins of the NHS
- Report: Forgotten heroes for a governing party
- Ownership for all
- David Lloyd George: the legacy
- Report: Social reformers and Liberals: The Rowntrees and their legacy
- The Liberal–Tory coalition of 1915
- Europe: the Liberal commitment
- ‘Jeremy is innocent’: the life and times of Jeremy and Marion Thorpe
- Report: ‘Taxes that will bring forth fruit’ – The centenary of the People’s Budget of 1909
- The 1918 Coupon Election and its Consequences
- Report: from Beveridge to Blair
- Report: Leaders good and bad
- Report: ‘Methods of barbarism’
- A writer and pragmatist at the Liberal High Table
- The Liberal Party and general elections
- Report: Winston Churchill – Liberal politician