England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 92 – Special issue: Liberal Democrats and the coalition: the policy record

Journal of Liberal History 92 – Special issue: Liberal Democrats and the coalition: the policy record

Issue: Autumn, 2016

Price: £10.00

Exploration of the difference the Liberal Democrats made to the coalition in eight areas: economic policy, education, health, social security, home affairs, climate and energy, Europe and constitutional reform. Each section features an overview analysis written by a neutral academic, plus commentaries from former Liberal Democrat ministers, including among others Vince Cable, David Laws, Norman Lamb, Lynne Featherstone, Chris Huhne and Ed Davey. Each section also includes a commentary from a critics of the party’s record in coalition – contributors include David Howarth, Caron Lindsay, Evan Harris and Fiona Hall.

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92 Autumn 2016
