England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 104

Journal of Liberal History 104

Issue: Autumn, 2019

Price: £7.50

In this issue: Vince Cable as leader – interview with Vince Cable on his period as leader of the Liberal Democrats; Liberal Democrat leadership performance table; E. D. Simon: Intellectual in politics – biography of E. D. Simon, 1st Baron Simon of Wythenshawe (David Dutton); The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2019 European election (John Curtice); Tentative feelers: the Liberal Party’s response to the emergence of the Green Party (Mitya Pearson); Geoff Tordoff: an appreciation (Michael Meadowcroft); Report – Liberalism in the north, with Michael Meadowcroft and William Wallace (Matt Cole); review of Dale and Smith (eds.), The Honourable Ladies (Caron Lindsay); review of Thévoz, Club Government (Tony Little); review of Reekes, The Birmingham Political Machine (James Brennan); review of Rosenblatt, The Lost History of Liberalism (Alex Tebble); review of Kyrle, The Liberals in Hampshire Part 3: Eastleigh 1972–81 (Mark Pack).

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104 Autumn 2019
