England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Duncan Brack

  • New Year 2020 sale!

    PEACE, REFORM AND LIBERATION: NEW PRICE CUT FOR 2020! £15 off original price (£25) Written by academics and experts, drawing on the most recent research, Peace, Reform and Liberation is the most comprehensive and most up-to-date guide to the story of those who called themselves Liberals, what inspired them and what they achieved over the last 300 years…

  • Old Heroes for a New Leader: Lib Dem leadership candidates’ historical heroes

    As we have in each of the Liberal Democrat leadership elections other than the first one (which took place in 1988, before the History Group had been formed), in June the Liberal Democrat History Group asked the two candidates for the Liberal Democrat leadership to write a short article on their favourite historical figure or…

  • Liberal History: A concise history of the Liberal Party, SDP and Liberal Democrats – New! Ebook and audio versions now available

    350 years of party history in 32 pages The Liberal Democrat History Group’s booklet, Liberal History: A concise history of the Liberal Party, SDP and Liberal Democrats, is the essential introduction to Liberal history. Now available in print, Kindle and audio versions. Starting with the earliest stirrings of Liberal thought during the civil wars of the seventeenth…

  • Liberal Democrat History Group AGM, 28 January 2019

    The Annual General Meeting of the Liberal Democrat History Group will take place at 6.30pm on Monday 28 January 2019, in the Lady Violet Room, National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Place, London, SW1A 2HE. The agenda, minutes of the 2018 meeting and chair’s report for the year 2018 are attached here. Print copies will be…

  • Paddy Ashdown 1941–2018

    Paddy Ashdown 1941–2018

    Paddy Ashdown, Leader of the Liberal Democrats 1988–99, passed away on 22 December 2018. As a tribute to his memory, we reprint here in full the chapter on his time as leader from our 2015 book, British Liberal Leaders. We hope this may help to explain to those readers who did not know him why…

  • Meeting report: The 1918 Coupon Election and its consequences

    Evening meeting, 2 July 2018, with Alistair Cooke and Kenneth O. Morgan; chair: Claire Tyler
 Report by David Cloke Baroness Tyler opened the meeting by noting ironically that the period featured two ingredients that attendees had come to know and love: snap elections and Liberal–Conservative coalitions. Indeed, the parallels with and significance for our own…

  • Europe: the Liberal Commitment – special issue of the Journal of Liberal History

    Opposition to Brexit has become of the defining characteristics of today’s Liberal Democrats. And probably everyone knows that the Liberal Democrats’ predecessors in the Liberal Party supported British entry to the European Community in the 1970s and before. But where does this commitment derive from? The latest Journal of Liberal History(issue 98, spring 2018) explores…

  • New booklet on Liberal Thinkers

    New from the Liberal Democrat History Group Liberalism has been built on more than three centuries’ work of political thinkers and writers and the aspirations of countless human beings who have fought for freedom, democracy, the rule of law and open and tolerant societies. Liberal Thinkers, the History Group’s new booklet, is an accessible guide…

  • New booklets from the Liberal Democrat History Group

    Just published: Mothers of Liberty: women who built British Liberalism. The new edition contains the stories of the women who shaped British Liberalism – including Mary Wollstonecraft, Harriet Taylor Mill, the suffragist leader Millicent Garrett Fawcett, the first woman Liberal MP Margaret Wintringham, Violet Bonham Carter, Megan Lloyd George, Nancy Seear, Shirley Williams and many…