England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • New concise history booklet published

    New from the Liberal Democrat History Group: Liberal History: A concise history of the Liberal Party, SDP and Liberal Democrats – 350 years of party history in 32 pages. Revised and updated to include the coalition and its impact and the 2015 election and its aftermath. The essential introduction to Liberal history. Special discounted price for Journal of Liberal History subscribers.…

  • ‘Legacy of Roy Jenkins’ meeting, Monday 27 June – change of start time

    Please note that because of Parliamentary business, the start time for our meeting on Monday 27 June on the legacy of Roy Jenkins has changed from 6.30pm to 7.00pm. Please print the web page and bring it with you; you may be asked to show it at the security check. 

  • New booklet from the History Group: Liberalism: the Ideas that built the Liberal Democrats

    Hot on the heels of British Liberal Leaders, the Liberal Democrat History Group has produced a booklet looking at the ideas underlying the Liberal Democrats. This accessible guide includes entries on economic concepts, environmentalism, internationalism and community politics, together with contemporary and historic currents of thought, including social and economic liberalism, social democracy, Keynsianism, radicalism…

  • New book from the History Group: British Liberal Leaders

    The latest book from the Liberal Democrat History Group aims to assess the qualities required for effective political leadership. Who is a good leader and who a bad? British Liberal Leaders – published by Biteback alongside companion volumes on Conservative and Labour leaders –  contains chapters on every leader of the Liberal Party, SDP and Liberal…

  • The 1955 general election

    26th May this year sees the 50th anniversary on the 1955 general election – the first recorded election results programme by the BBC. Luckily it is still in the archives and on the 26th, BBC Parliament will be broadcasting the programme which was presented by Richard Dimbleby with expert summary by David Butler. Butler at…

  • Elections past – 2010

    On the eve of the 2015 election here is Professor John Curtice’s analysis of the last election of five year’s ago and a report from the History Group meeting at the 2010 Autumn Conference.

  • Elections past – 2005

    A look at another general election as featured in our back issues. In the Journal from the Autumn of 2005, Prefessor John Curtice looked at the Liberal Democrat performance in the election of that year.

  • Elections past – 1910

    Continuing our look at previous general elections we look at the elections of 1910. In Journal 68 Dr Mark Pack looked back at the 1910 campaigns from the perspective of techniques used in 2010.

  • Elections past – 1997

    With the election now well underway we take a look at some previous elections as featured in previous editions of the Journal. We kick off with the 1997 election featured in an article from September 1997.