How and why did the Liberal Party, SDP and Liberal Democrats all end up as the strongest supporters of Britain’s membership of the European Economic Community and its successor institutions? Has it helped or hindered the party’s political achievements? Have developments in Europe since the EEC’s founding Treaty of Rome in 1958 reflected the party’s European faith?
In this year of a possible referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, discuss the historic Liberal commitment and record with Sir Graham Watson (Liberal Democrat MEP 1994–2014) and Lord William Wallace (Liberal Democrat Foreign Office minister in the coalition government, 2010–15). Chair: Baroness Julie Smith.
February 1, 2016
National Liberal Club
1 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HE
The meeting will be preceded by the Liberal Democrat History Group’s AGM at 6.30pm.
Chair: Julie Smith
Report on this event in the Journal: Europe: the Liberal commitment