A one day seminar organised by the Archives Division of the London School of Economics, the British Liberal Political Studies Group and the Journal of Liberal History.
The distinguished psephologist Dr David Butler has pointed out that coalitions between unequal partners can turn out to be like the relationship between the tiger and the young lady of Riga. But they can also last and achieve success, despite Disraelis classic pronouncement that England does not love them. The formation of the present government offers a tempting opportunity to re-examine the Liberal experience of coalitions in 19th and 20th century British history.
Speakers who have agreed to give papers at this event:
Professor Kenneth O Morgan Liberals in Coalition, 1916-1922
Sue Donnelly and Nick White, Archives Division, LSE Relevant papers in the Liberal Party archives at the British Library of Political & Economic Science
Dr Angus Hawkins, Oxford University – Whigs, Peelites and Liberals: Coalition politics before 1886
Dr Ian Cawood, Newman University College, Birmingham – The Liberal Unionists, 1886-1912
Dr Ian Packer, Lincoln University – The formation and fall of the wartime Coalition of H H Asquith, 1915-1916
Professor David Dutton, Liverpool University – The Liberal Party and the National Government, 1931-1940
Dr Alun Wyburn-Powell, Leicester University – Winston Churchill and Coalitions
Professor Vernon Bogdanor, Emeritus Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford England does not love Coalitions (Disraeli): a summary of the Liberal experience of coalition politics
(Exact titles of contributions may alter slightly)
The cost of the seminar will be £15 to include refreshments at mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is not provided but there are plenty of good value eateries near the venue.
To register please contact: Archives Division, Library, London School of Economics, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD, 020 7955 7221 or by email: Document@lse.ac.uk
Please arrive between 0915 and 0945 on the day. Please be aware that the TUC are holding a demonstration in Westminster on this day and there will be disruption to travel across and into central London. Temple station is likely to be closed. Please allow plenty of time to get to the LSE and book train tickets as far in advance as you can if travelling into to London stations.
March 26, 2011
Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2 2AE