“I am an English Liberal. I hate the Tory Party, their men, their words and their methods.” These were Winston Churchill’s own words in 1903.
As a Liberal, Churchill held high government office and, along with Lloyd George, was regarded as one of the driving forces of Asquith’s reforming administration. Was Liberalism his true political ideology?
Or should we judge his position from his re-ratting in 1924 and his long association and later leadership of the Conservatives?
Churchill’s party politics came under the spotlight at the History Group fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference. Delivering their verdicts were Professor Martin Pugh, formerly of Newcastle and Liverpool John Moores Universities and Sir Alan Beith, Liberal and Liberal Democrat MP for Berwick-on-Tweed since 1973.
You can ||http://bit.ly/ChurchillFringe||watch the meeting online here||.
March 9, 2012
Room MEC6, Sage Centre, Gateshead
Chair: Diana Maddock
Historical Subject: Winston Churchill
Report on this event in the Journal: Winston Churchill: Liberal or Tory?