2005 general election
What the voters saw
Review of Emily Robinson & Justin Fisher, General Election 2005 – What the Voters Saw (New Politics Network, 2005).
The 2005 general election
Reviews of Andrew Geddes & Jonathan Tonge (eds.), Britain Decides The UK General Election 2005 (Palgrave, 2005), John Bartle & Anthony King (eds.), Britain at the Polls 2005 (CQ Press, 2005), Dennis Kavanagh & David Butler, The British General Election of 2005 (Palgrave, 2005), Pippa Norris & Christopher Wlezien (eds.), Britain Votes 2005 (Oxford University…
Disappointment or bridgehead?
Liberal Democrat performance in the 2005 election.
Report: Election 2005 in historical perspective
with John Curtice, Andrew Russell and Chris Rennard.