2010 general election
The 2010 election in historical perspective
Report of the Liberal Democrat History Group conference fringe meeting held at Liverpool, 19 September 2010, with John Curtice, Denis Kavanagh and James Gurling; chair: Tony Little.
Election 2010 in historical perspective
The 2010 election must rank as one of the strangest in the history of the Liberal Democrats or its predecessor parties. Britains first-ever television debates saw the party catapulted into the front rank of news coverage. Yet after successive opinion polls regularly showed the Lib Dems in at least second place, the result was a…
The 2010 election
Has the mould of British politics finally cracked?
Letters to the Editor: Issue 74
The 2010 election and the coalition (Michael Meadowcroft); Pat Collins (Lionel King); Punch and cartoons (Andy Connell); Henry George the socialist (Sandy Waugh).
Letters to the Editor: Issue 69
James Bryce (Sandy S. Waugh); Liberals and the left (Peter Hatton); The 2010 election: missed opportunity (Martin Pugh); The Gower primary of 1905 (Kenneth O. Morgan); Samuel Morton Peto and his relatives (Sandy S. Waugh).
The 1910 and 2010 elections
Continuity and change in election campaigning.