England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • Simon and Southwark, Bermondsey

    Analysis of how Simon Hughes came to be selected for the apparently unwinnable seat of Southwark, Bermondsey.

  • The newcomer

    The story of the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray’s spirited performance on the Oxford hustings in 1857.

  • Victory at Paisley

    Asquith’s return to Parliament in 1920.

  • So how well did we do?

    A critical look at the Liberal Democrats’ performance in the 1997 election.

  • 1945 and all that

    The 1945 election was a stunning Labour victory, but what did it mean for the Liberal Party?

  • Landslide

    The Labour Party’s performance in the 1997 general election took even its most optimistic supporters by surprise. How does the result look when compared with previous election landslides? And what might happen now?

  • The Sutton & Cheam by-election

    The Sutton & Cheam by-election was won for the Liberal Party in December 1972. Jennifer Tankard interviews the victor, Graham (now Lord) Tope.

  • The lessons of Orpington

    Analysis of the importance of the by-election result for the Liberal Party.

  • Fighting Orpington

    The stunning by-election victory of Orpington in 1962 was the high point of the first Liberal revival. Eric Lubbock (now Lord Avebury) was the candidate.