Local government
The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2023 local elections
Breakthrough or consolidation? By John Curtice.
Lib Dems in the cities
The Liberal Democrat performance in large cities in May 2022, by Michael Meadowcroft.
The Liberal Democrat performance in the 2022 local elections
An analysis of where the Liberal Democrats gained council seats in May 2022
The Liberal rise in Richmond
The story of how the Liberals grew their local government strength in Richmond in the 1960s and 1970s; with an introduction setting the context.
Another Madam Mayor
Lady Howard of Llanelli and the strange case of the Cowell-Stepneys.
Liberals in Local Government 1967–2017
Report of Liberal Democrat History Group fringe meeting, Bournemouth, 17 September 2017, with Kath Pinnock, Tony Greaves, Richard Kemp, Sarah Bedford, Matt Cole and Ruth Dombey; chair: Andrew Stunell.
Madam Mayor
The first wave of Liberal women in local government leadership 1918–1939.
Can the Grand Old Duke of York march back up again?
The importance of local government to the Liberal Democrats.
John Sutton Nettlefold, Liberalism and the early town planning movement
The contribution of the chair of Birmingham’s Housing Committee, 1901-11, to the debates on slum housing and town planning.