Local government
Joseph Chamberlain and Municipal Liberalism
The reforms in municipal services that Joseph Chamberlain introduced during his three-year mayoralty of Birmingham in the mid-1870s marked a turning point for British Liberalism as well as in the governance of industrial cities.
Elections 2007
Analysis of the outcomes of the local, Scottish and Welsh elections of May 2007. What do they mean for the Liberal Democrats?
Swinging in the 60s to the Liberals
Mary Murphy and Pontypridd Urban District Council.
Liberals and local government in London since the 1970s
Report of meeting of 4 February 2008, with Cllr Sir David Williams and Mike Tuffrey GLA.
Report: public services or state services? – the Liberal legacy
Report of Liberal Democrat History Group meeting of February 2002, with Professor Peter Marsh and Dr Graham Davis.
Sir Jerom Murch and the civic gospel in Victorian Bath
Analysis of the municipal record of the leader of Bath’s Victorian Liberals.