Issue: Spring, 2019
Price: £7.50

In this issue: Paddy Ashdown – An Appreciation (Michael Meadowcroft); Writing about Paddy (Neil Stockley); The long-lived Liberal Party of Canada (Tom Axworthy and Lorna Marsden); ‘Vote for Mr Crum and one other Liberal’ (David Hanson MP); Europe – The Liberal Commitment, with Anthony Howe and Eugenio Biagini (meeting report by Neil Stockley); review of Kroeze, Vitoria and Geltner (eds.), Anti-corruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era (Tom Crook); review of Wilkinson, Lloyd George: Statesman or Scoundrel (Alan Mumford); review of Pugh, State and Society: A Social and Political History of Britain Since 1870 (Eugenio Biagini); review of Gottlieb and Toye (eds.), The Aftermath of Suffrage: Women, Gender and Politics in Britain, 1918–1945 (Ian Cawood).
Download Journal:
- Liberal History News
- Paddy Ashdown – An Appreciation
- Writing about Paddy
- The long-lived Liberal Party of Canada
- ‘Vote for Mr Crum and one other Liberal’
- Europe: The Liberal Commitment
- Enemies of corruption
- Lloyd George condemned
- The long march of British history
- Women in politics
- Lord Davies of Llandinam Papers
- Letters to the Editor