England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

Journal of Liberal History 106

Journal of Liberal History 106

Issue: Spring, 2020

Price: £7.50

In this issue: Asquith’s return to parliament at the 1920 Paisley by-election (Hugh Gault); Robert Maclennan (Lord Maclennan of Rogart) (Michael Meadowcroft); Northampton and the democratic radical tradition (Tim Hughes); meeting report – The 1979 general election (Neil Stockley); review of Jones, The Uneven Path of British Liberalism (William Wallace); review of Waugh, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Malcolm Baines); review of Weliver, Mary Gladstone and the Victorian Salon (Roger Swift); review of Ivatt, The Financial Affairs of David Lloyd George (Vernon Bogdanor)

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106 Spring 2020
