Issue: Winter, 2018–19
Price: £10.00

A special issue commemorating 150 years since Gladstone’s first government. Articles include Gladstone’s first government, 1868–74; The general election of 1868; Gladstone’s first government: a policy overview; A Chapter of Autobiography as campaign document; Gladstone’s first ministry and Ireland; Gladstone and the 1870 Elementary Education Act; Jogging along by the Parliamentary train? Gladstone’s first government and the House of Lords; Saving Dunford House; The general election of 1874; The historical Gladstone and the contemporary Gladstone; Review of Peterson, Gladstone’s Influence in America.
Download Journal:
- Gladstone’s first government, 1868–74
- The general election of 1868
- Gladstone’s first government: a policy overview
- A Chapter of Autobiography as campaign document
- Gladstone’s first ministry and Ireland
- Gladstone and the 1870 Elementary Education Act
- Jogging along by the Parliamentary train?
- Saving Dunford House
- The general election of 1874
- The historical Gladstone and the contemporary Gladstone
- Transatlantic Gladstone