John Maynard Keynes

Born: 05 June 1883
Died: 21 April 1946
1st Baron Keynes
Histories (subject)
The following histories are about John Maynard Keynes or mention them in some way:
Journal Articles (subject)
The following journal articles are about John Maynard Keynes or mention them in some way:
- Liberals, free trade and Europe
- Lloyd George, the Liberal Summer Schools and electoral politics in the 1920s
- Lloyd George and the Versailles Treaty
- A truly remarkable man – but not a universal man
- Old heroes for a new leader
- ‘Reluctant’ or Liberal collectivists?
- ‘We can conquer unemployment’
- Keynes’ world-view
- Liberal pragmatist
- A man of government
Events (subject)
The following events had John Maynard Keynes as their subject or discussed them in some way: