Richard Cobden

Born: 03 June 1804
Died: 04 April 1865
Radical MP for Stockport 1841-47, West Riding of Yorkshire 1847-57, Liberal MP for Rochdale 1859-65
Histories (subject)
The following histories are about Richard Cobden or mention them in some way:
Journal Articles (subject)
The following journal articles are about Richard Cobden or mention them in some way:
- Liberal history news
- Liberals, free trade and Europe
- The ‘European mind’ of late Victorian Liberalism
- Liberal History News
- Free trade and the Liberal Party
- The letters of Richard Cobden online
- Cobden and his constituencies
- Letting someone else have your way
- ‘The voice of reason’
- Saving Dunford House
- Richard Cobden and British Imperialism
- Exploding the delusion of protection