Tony Greaves

Born: 27 July 1942
Died: 23 March 2021
Baron Greaves of Pendle
Chair National League of Young Liberals 1970-71, Organising Secretary Association of Liberal Councillors 1977-85
Events (chair)
Tony Greaves chaired the following events on behalf of the Liberal Democrat History Group:
- Jo Grimond – the legacy
- Red Guard versus Old Guard? The influence of the Young Liberal movement on the Liberal Party in the 1960s and 1970s a witness seminar
Journal Articles (subject)
The following journal articles are about Tony Greaves or mention them in some way:
- Merger most foul
- From angry young man to simmering old guru
- Lord Tony Greaves
- The Young Liberals and the left, 1965-70
- Letters to the Editor
Histories (author)
Tony Greaves is the author of the following histories:
Journal Articles (author)
Tony Greaves is the author of the following journal articles:
- Audacious – but fundamentally flawed
- Of Liberals and Liberalism
- Liberals and the 1945 election (2)
- Assessing Jeremy Thorpe
- A lifetime in Liberalism: where do we go now?
Events (speaker)
Tony Greaves was a featured speaker at the following events:
- The Legacy of Jo Grimond – Remembering Jo
- Liberalism in the north
- Liberals in local government 1967 – 2017
- Torrington ’58: Liberal survival and revival, 1945-79