Election candidates 1945-2019: South Central region
The Party has a creditable record for contesting constituencies within the region, few having been left unfought for long intervals, even at lean times in its fortunes. Individuals appearing on the roster have been generally worthy, dependable, types rather than colourful characters or outstanding party personalities though there are several exceptions. Many candidates listed below have fought constituencies in other regions, a remarkably high figure in proportion to the number of constituencies in the region. In accordance with convention, the Party did not nominate a candidate in opposition to the Speaker at Buckingham at the General Elections of 2010, 2015 or 2017. By agreement with the Green Party the Liberal Democrats did not nominate a candidate for the Isle of Wight at the General Election of 2019, nor by a local agreement, at Beaconsfield, where the Liberal Democrats endorsed the former Conservative MP, Dominic Grieve, who stood as an Independent.
Lionel King