The ‘European mind’ of late Victorian Liberalism
W. E. Gladstone and Joseph Chamberlain.
Liberals, free trade and Europe
From Cobden to the Common Market.
Radical Joe and Chocolate George
Review of Andrew Reekes, Two Titans, One City: Joseph Chamberlain and George Cadbury (History West Midlands, 2017).
A history of by-elections
Review of T. G. Otte and Paul Readman (eds.), By-elections in British politics 1832–1914 (Boydell, 2013).
A very distinguished tightrope dancer
Review of James Chambers, Palmerston: ‘The People’s Darling’ (John Murray, 2004).
‘Nothing talked of, thought of, dreamt of, but Reform’
Review of Edward Pearce, Reform! The Fight for the 1832 Reform Act (Pimlico, 2004).
‘When in doubt what should be done, do nothing’
Review of David Cecil, The Young Melbourne and Lord M (Phoenix Press, 2001).
Legacy of famine
Review of Peter Gray, Famine, Land and Politics: British Government and Irish Society, 1843-50 (Irish Academic Press, 1999).