Birmingham, the ‘Caucus’ and the 1868 general election
An examination of the emergence and impact of the Birmingham Liberal ‘caucus’.
Letters to the Editor
Elections in Glasgow (Michael Steed).
Whig, Liberal or Tory?
Review of Simon Kerry, Lansdowne: the Last Great Whig (Unicorn, 2017).
Aristocratic Radical
Review of Roger Swift, Charles Pelham Villiers: Aristocratic Victorian Radical (Routledge, 2017).
Restoring Herbert Gladstone
Review of Kenneth D. Brown, The Unknown Gladstone: The Life of Herbert Gladstone, 1854–1930 (I.B.Tauris, 2018).
Gladstone’s First Government 1868–74
Meeting following the AGM, 28 January 2019, with Professor Jon Parry and Dr David Brooks; chair Tony Little.
The long march of British history
Review of Martin Pugh, State and Society. A Social and Political History of Britain since 1870 (Bloomsbury Academic, 2017).
‘Vote for Mr Crum and one other Liberal’
The origin of two 1874 election leaflets.