Assessing Edward Grey
Review of Michael Waterhouse, Edwardian Requiem: A Life of Sir Edward Grey (Biteback, 2013).
Margot Asquith
Wife of Prime Minister H. H. Asquith
The long shadow of war
Sir Edward Grey and Liberal foreign policy before 1914.
A history of by-elections
Review of T. G. Otte and Paul Readman (eds.), By-elections in British politics 1832–1914 (Boydell, 2013).
Famous for being famous?
Review of Leo McKinstry, Rosebery: Statesman in Turmoil (John Murray, 2005).
A hand-to-mouth man?
Review of Patrick Jackson, Harcourt and Son: A Political Biography of Sir William Harcourt, 1827-1904 (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2004).
‘God made the land for the people’
Review of Patricia Lynch, The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910: Radicalism and Community (Clarendon Press, 2003).
Too short a history
Review of Chris Cook, A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-2001 (Palgrave, 2002).
The man who made the weather: Joseph Chamberlain – imperial standard bearer, national leader, local icon
Report of the centenary conference, Birmingham 4–5 July 2014.