Verhofstadt’s last chance
Review of Guy Verhofstadt, Europe’s Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union (Basic Books, 2017).
Shirley Williams, the SDP and Europe
Interview with Shirley Williams.
Liberals, free trade and Europe
From Cobden to the Common Market.
Liberals in Local Government 1967–2017
Report of Liberal Democrat History Group fringe meeting, Bournemouth, 17 September 2017, with Kath Pinnock, Tony Greaves, Richard Kemp, Sarah Bedford, Matt Cole and Ruth Dombey; chair: Andrew Stunell.
Lord Geraint of Ponterwyd
Biography of Geraint Howells.
Russell Johnston, 1932-2008
Scottish Liberal politics was dominated for over thirty years (1965-95 and beyond) by two figures: David Steel and Russell Johnston. Of the former, much has been written; of the latter, surprisingly little. I am therefore researching with a view to writing a biography of Russell. If any readers can help – with records, other written…