Joint Statement on the Lib-Lab Pact: Steel and Callaghan
Joint statement issued by Prime Minister James Callaghan and David Steel on the aims of the Lib-Lab pact issued 23rd March 1977.
Rise … the SDP 1983-85
Original cartoons from the Social Democrat illustrate what was perhaps the party’s happiest years.
What might have been
Interview with John Pardoe, Liberal MP for North Cornwall, 1966-79.
Working with others – the Lib-Lab Pact
Report of meeting of 14 July 2008, with David Steel, Tom McNally and Michael Steed.
The role of women in merger
A personal view of women in Alliance politics.
The Launch of the SDP
Review of The Launch of the SDP 1979-1981 – Report of witness seminar in Contemporary Record, Vol 7, autumn 1993, No. 2.
Report: the Limehouse declaration and the birth of the SDP
Report of Liberal Democrat History Group meeting of January 2001, with speakers including Lord Oakeshott and Sir Ian Wrigglesworth.
The Limehouse Declaration and the birth of the SDP
On 25 January 1981, four former Labour cabinet ministers – Roy Jenkins, David Owen, William Rodgers and Shirley Williams – published the Limehouse Declaration, publicly signalling their intention to quit the leftward path that the Labour Party had taken. The Declaration advocated a classless society and called for the realignment of British politics. After an…