England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • ‘Dead Parrot’ document

    The 'Dead Parrot' became the nickname of the policy document due to be issued, alongside the new party's constitution, at the successful culmination of merger negotiations between the SDP and the Liberals. In fact it proved a disaster, nearly upsetting the whole merger process, after its controversial contents were disowned by Liberal MPs and activists…

  • Campbell as Leader

    Interview with Menzies Campbell, Leader of the Liberal Democrats 2006-07, on his political career.

  • Report: Liberal Democrats in Europe – 21 years of success or failure?

    Report of the Liberal Democrat History Group meeting at the Liberal Democrat conference, Harrogate, 6 March 2009, with William Wallace and Sarah Ludford MEP. Chair Tony Little.

  • Blair and Ashdown

    Notes on a political relationship.

  • Liberal thought

    Review of Kevin Hickson (ed.), The Political Thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945 (Manchester University Press, 2009).

  • Bernard Greaves, 1942-

    For thirty years, Bernard Greaves has influenced Liberal, Liberal Democrat and public policy on a range of issues. Generally, he has done so by a willingness to rigorously follow through original ideas based on firm and clear principles and a painstaking application to detail. He has greatly influenced a smaller number by the force of…

  • Salad days: merger twenty years on

    Twenty years ago a new political party was born from the merger of the Liberal and Social Democratic parties the Social & Liberal Democrats (or Salads, as the party was disparagingly nicknamed by its opponents). This meeting will explore the political background to the merger and the byzantine process of negotiation through which it which…

  • Liberals and local government in London since the 1970s

    Winning local elections has been a keystone in Liberal (Democrat) success in the years since the adoption of the community politics strategy at the Eastbourne Assembly in 1970. There have been many spectacular advances across London, from the heartland of the south western boroughs to Southwark, Islington and more recently breakthroughs on Camden and Brent…

  • The Liberal – SDP merger

    The poor performance of the Liberal-SDP Alliance at the June 1987 election prompted the Liberal leader, David Steel to call for the unity of both wings, after only 22 seats were secured by both sides.