England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On This Day

13 February 1906

The House of Commons meets for the first time after the Liberal election victory

The scale of the Liberal triumph was all too evident with 399 Liberal MPs crowding the government benches, joined in the division lobby by 82 Irish Nationalists and 29 Labour MPs. 318 of the 670 members were elected for the first time with 157 Nonconformists – the largest number in a parliament since the time of Cromwell. Amongst the new Liberal MPs elected were future cabinet ministers Edwin Montague, Charles Masterman, Alfred Mond and John Simon, and authors Hilaire Belloc and A.E.W. Mason. During the day MPs were sworn in and Mr Speaker Lowther was re-elected, following which the House adjourned until the King’s speech on 19th February.