England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On This Day

19 October 1922

David Lloyd-George resigns as Prime Minister

On 18 October 1922 the Conservative Reginald Clarry won a by-election at Newport in Monmouthshire, signalling a grassroots Tory revolt against the coalition government of Conservatives and Lloyd George Liberals. A meeting of Conservative MPs had been organised at the Carlton Club for the next day and in the aftermath of the by-election result, triumphant anti-coalition MPs won the day and voted to fight the next election as an independent party. On hearing the news LL.G resigned, although he remained as Prime Minister until 23 October as Bonar Law refused to take up the post until he had been elected as leader of the Tory Party. Lloyd George remains the last Liberal to hold the office of Prime Minister.