England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History

On This Day

20 February 1969

Death of William Audley Bowdler, Liberal MP for Holderness 1922-23

Bowdler’s election was one of the surprises of the 1922 election. As a Lancastrian in a Yorkshire seat standing against the incumbent Conservative Arthur Wilson who had been the MP since 1900, Bowdler wasn’t expected to win. The Times commented, ‘The Conservatives hold on Holderness is not believed to be seriously endangered. The farmers may be cross, but many of them have voted Conservative all their lives, and will not easily break with their political traditions.’ Bowdler did not have long to enjoy his triumph. A further election was called the following year and, the Conservatives re-captured the seat with a new candidate. This brief period was the only time the constituency was represented by a Liberal between its creation in 1885 and abolition in 1950.