Searching for Gladstone
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The letters of Richard Cobden online
A new resource for Liberal history
The Parliamentary Archive at the House of Lords
A listing of the archival sources held at the Parliamentary Archive at the House of Lords of potential interest to students of the Liberal Party.
Lord Davies of Llandinam Papers
Description of the papers of Lord Davies of Llandinam held at the Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales.
Newcastle University Library Special Collections
Dr J. Graham Jones lists the archival collections of interest to students of the Liberal Party held at Newcastle University.
Liberal archives at Flintshire Record Office
List of the archival collections of interest to students of the Liberal Party held at the Flintshire County Record Office.
Churchill Archives Centre
Liberal archives at the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge.
The Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales
The Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales.
Lloyd George archives
Survey of manuscript sources.