Archive sources: National Library of Wales
Liberal Party archives at the National Library of Wales.
Archives: University of Hull
Liberal and related archives at the University of Hull.
Archive Sources: The Papers of Neville Sandelson
The papers of Neville Sandelson MP (Labour 1971-81, SDP 1981-83), at the British Library of Political & Economic Science.
Archive sources: LSE
An overview of the Liberal Party archive deposited in the Archives Division of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, and related Liberal Party material among the main library holdings.
Archives: the Thurso Papers
The Thurso papers at the Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge.
Archives: University of Bristol
Liberal archives at the University of Bristol Library.
Archives: Beveridge archives at the London School of Economics Library
The Beveridge archives at the London School of Economics Library.
Archives: Manchester Archives and Local Studies
Liberal history archives at Manchester Archives and Local Studies.
Archive sources: the David Owen papers
The David Owen papers at the University of Liverpool.