‘Vote for Mr Crum and one other Liberal’
The origin of two 1874 election leaflets.
The long-lived Liberal Party of Canada
An examination of the history of the Canadian Liberal Party.
Writing about Paddy
A look at how Paddy Ashdown’s life and career were remembered and celebrated in the media.
Paddy Ashdown – An Appreciation
A recollection of the career of Paddy Ashdown, Leader of the Liberal Democrats 1988–99.
The historical Gladstone and the contemporary Gladstone
Gladstone’s library at Hawarden.
The general election of 1874
Analysis of the reasons behind the crushing Liberal defeat in 1874.
Saving Dunford House
The threat to Richard Cobden’s Sussex home.
Jogging along by the Parliamentary train?
Gladstone’s first government and the House of Lords.