Liberal Democrat leadership
Comparative table of leadership performance updated to 2017.
Old heroes for a new leader
Vince Cable explains why Roy Jenkins is his political hero.
The changing face of election campaigning
An interview with Chris Rennard, former Director of Campaigns and Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats, about election campaigning.
Liberal defectors and the First World War
An analysis of the impact of the Great War on defections from the party.
Journal of Liberal History 93; Journal of Liberal History 94.
The New Orbits Group, 1958 – c.1962
A look at the purpose and achievements of the New Orbits Group.
The Liberal Party and the general election of 1915
What could have happened in the general election due in 1915 but postponed because of the war.
Churchill and Lloyd George: Liberal authors on the First World War?
An analysis of Winston Churchill’s and David Lloyd George’s volumes on the First World War.
Sir Walter Runciman and the Runciman papers at Elshieshields Tower
The life and political career of the Liberal MP Sir Walter Runciman (1847–1937) through the lens of his papers.