‘The Liberal echo chamber’
A consideration of what Liberal politics gained and lost with Liberal clubs.
Coalition and the 2015 election
Targeting and its effect on Liberal Democrat performance in the 2015 general election; Can Liberals learn from history?
Madam Mayor
The first wave of Liberal women in local government leadership 1918–1939.
Comparing coalitions
A comparison of the coalition with the Scottish experience of 1999–2007; and a look at parallels from history.
The 2015 election campaign and its outcome
Analyses of the election result, and a look at what happened to the party’s campaigning machine.
The impacts of coalition
The coalition and Liberal Democrat members; and the impact on the party in Scotland.
Managing the coalition
How did the coalition work as a government? And how was the party itself managed?
Why did it go wrong?
Analyses of why the coalition experiment ended so disastrously for the Liberal Democrats; plus a review of Seldon and Finn, The Coalition Effect 2010–2015.
Coalition and the deluge
Interviews with Nick Clegg and ten other former Liberal Democrat ministers on their experiences of the 2010–15 coalition.