Party colours
It wasn’t always orange or yellow…
Walter Runciman and the decline of the Liberal Party
Examination of the part played by Walter Runciman (1870-1949) in the disintegration of the Liberal Party.
Party agents 1880-1914
The impact of the professional agent on electioneering and political organisation in the decades after the Third Reform Act.
Images of Lloyd George
How David Lloyd George was portrayed in cartoons throughout his long career.
Going into Labour: the Welsh Liberal Democrat coalition experience 2000-2003
Examination of the record of the Liberal Democrat-Labour coalition in Wales, 2000-2003.
Liberal Democrats in coalition: the Scottish record
Examination of the record of the Liberal Democrat-Labour coalitions in Scotland, 1999-2007.
Who votes for the Liberal Democrats?
Examination of the sources of electoral support for the Liberal Democrats.
Liberal Democrat leadership
A description of the key characteristics of Liberal Democrat leaders and analysis of the record of the four leaders to date.
The Liberal Democrats and the functions of policy
Exploration of the different roles played by policy and policy-making within the party.