England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • Gladstone’s death and funeral

    Marking the centenary of Gladstone’s death.

  • Writing about Gladstone

    As author and statesman, Roy Jenkins gives his impressions of the challenges in tackling a prolific fellow author.

  • Gladstone and Britain’s Imperial Role

    Imperialism has now become a term of abuse, but Dr Eugenio Biagini shows that Gladstonian Liberal policy aimed to develop a partnership of self-governing colonies.

  • The Hawarden Kite

    The techniques of spin-doctoring were well known to Victorian politicians. This article considers a notable case of press management which went wrong. Or did it?

  • His manner of speech

    Extract from: A Diary of the Unionist Parliament 1895-1900.

  • Gladstone and Ireland

    Gladstone wrestled with the problems of Ireland for thirty years. H.C.G. Matthew argues that while Gladstone failed in his objective to integrate Ireland into a United Kingdom his policy still dominates today’s consitutional debates.

  • Gladstone and Liverpool: MP for South Lancashire, 1865-68

    At a crucial stage in his career, Gladstone represented the area of his birth. This article links Liverpool’s reaction to electoral reform and Gladstone’s popularity.

  • Gladstone as Chancellor

    The Exchequer brought fame to Gladstone but in return Gladstone raised the office to the forefront of politics.

  • A visit to Hawarden

    Description of the Gladstone family home.