Gladstonian Liberalism according to Gladstone
What were the prevailing principles of the Liberal Party in the late Victorian period?
The career of one of the Liberal Party’s most colourful MPs, James de Rothschild (1878-1957).
Liberals cheer Mr Churchill
Speech: Winston Churchill at the National Liberal Club, 22 July 1943.
Liberal unity frustrated
Why the Liberal Party failed to patch up effectively its first major post-war split, between the supporters of Asquith and those of Lloyd George.
Alliance, Liberals and the SDP
1971 – 1985: the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland was born in the midst of the Troubles, in April 1970. This article looks back at the party’s history and its relationships with the Liberal Party and the SDP.
Lord John Russell and the Irish Catholics
1829 – 1852: despite the Whig leader Lord John Russell’s efforts to work for justice to Ireland, his policies ended mainly in failure.
Introduction to special issue on Liberals and Ireland
Introduction to special issue on Liberals and Ireland.
The Young Scots Society
The story of the influence of Scottish young Liberals before and after the Great War.