Roy Jenkins remembered
Appreciation of the life of Roy Jenkins (Lord Jenkins of Hillhead), who died on 5 January 2003.
More on Lib Dem voting in the Commons
Update on voting behaviour of Liberal Democrat MPs.
Left and right in Victorian Liberalism
The meaning of terms in the political spectrum of the Victorian era.
Holding the balance
The record of the Liberal Party in hung parliaments in 1924, 1929-31 and 1977-78.
The Liberal predicament, 1945-64
How, despite the desperate state of their party, many Liberals kept the faith going at the nadir of the Liberal Party’s fortunes.
Joyce Cary – Liberal traditions
A celebration of the work of the English novelist Joyce Cary, and its roots in Liberal ideas.
Liberalism and the National Government, 1931-40
An examination of the impact of the National Government on the Liberal Party.
Coalition before 1886
Whigs, Peelites and Liberals: an examination of coalitions before 1886.
Welsh women Liberals
It was not just Lloyd George’s daughters …