A real triumph for my old friend
The occasion when The Times took at face value an imaginary interview with David Lloyd George.
The German Liberals
Between third force and marginal force: the Free Democratic Party in German politics.
The history of the Lib-Labs
The history of what became known as Lib-Labbery: the representation of labour interests in parliament through the Liberal Party.
Through terror to triumph
Lloyd George’s Queen’s Hall speech of 19 September 1914.
Crunch times for the Liberal Democrats?
Interviews with Tim Razzall and Chris Rennard.
Richard Cobden and British Imperialism
Cobden’s critique of British imperialism.
The fighting parson
Biography of Rev Roderick Kedward MP (1881-1937).
The Liberal press and the South African War
The importance of the Liberal press in the politics of the Second Boer War.
Hastings in 1900
The ‘khaki election’ of 1900 saw the Liberals performing poorly. This article examines one seat they gained from the Conservatives.