Vision in a time of crisis
Ernest Simon and the revitalising of Liberalism in the 1920s and 1930s.
Lord Tony Greaves
An appreciation of the life of Tony Greaves (27 July 1942 – 23 March 2021).
T. Edmund Harvey
Liberal politician of conscience and one of only 16 MPs to have sat in the House of Commons in both world wars.
Liberalism and the Lancashire electorate
The aftermath of the 1832 Reform Act.
The Pisan Triumvirate
The Libertine, the Atheist, and The Liberal.
‘Not straight but serpentine’
George Canning and the origins of nineteenth-century Liberalism.
Henry Hunt, Peterloo, Whigs and Liberals
The role played by Henry ‘Orator’ Hunt at Peterloo and its impact on Whig politics.
Peterloo: the English Uprising
An examination of the Peterloo massacre in 1819, and its impact on the emergence of democracy in Britain.
Early Liberalism – a search for origins
Introduction to this special issue of the <i>Journal of Liberal History</i>.