Old heroes for a new leader
Liberal Democrat leadership candidates’ historical heroes.
Northampton and the democratic radical tradition
An analysis of the relationship between Chartism and radical Liberals in Northampton in the 1860s and ’70s.
Robert Maclennan (Lord Maclennan of Rogart)
A look back at the life and career of the third leader of the SDP.
Asquith’s return to parliament at the 1920 Paisley by-election
Analysis of the by-election that returned the Liberal leader to the Commons.
Birmingham, the ‘Caucus’ and the 1868 general election
An examination of the emergence and impact of the Birmingham Liberal ‘caucus’.
Liberal Democrat leadership performance
Comparative table of leadership performance updated to December 2019.
Gambling on Brexit
Analysis of the Liberal Democrat performance in the 2019 general election.
Geoff Tordoff: an appreciation
A look back at the life and long political career in the Liberal Party and Liberal Democrats of Geoff Tordoff.