Who votes for the Liberal Democrats? And why?
Review of Andrew Russell and Edward Fieldhouse, Neither Left nor Right? The Liberal Democrats and the Electorate (Manchester University Press, 2005).
Concise Churchill
Review of Paul Addison, Churchill: The Unexpected Hero (Oxford University Press, 2005).
A story of four Liberal Parties
Review of Roy Douglas, Liberals: A History of the Liberal and Liberal Democrat Parties (Hambledon, 2005).
Famous for being famous?
Review of Leo McKinstry, Rosebery: Statesman in Turmoil (John Murray, 2005).
Transforming the Whigs
Review of William Anthony Hay, The Whig Revival, 1808-1830 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
The strange birth of social democracy
Review of Gareth Stedman Jones, An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate (Profile Books, 2004).
A very distinguished tightrope dancer
Review of James Chambers, Palmerston: ‘The People’s Darling’ (John Murray, 2004).
What the voters saw
Review of Emily Robinson & Justin Fisher, General Election 2005 – What the Voters Saw (New Politics Network, 2005).
A Prime Minister speaks
Review of Paul Richards (ed.) Tony Blair: In His Own Words (Politico’s, 2004).