Political studies
Review of British Elections & Parties Review, Volume 13 (edited by Colin Rallings, Roger Scully, Jonathan Tonge and Paul Webb (Frank Cass, 2003) and Volume 14 (edited by Roger Scully, Justin Fletcher, Paul Webb and David Broughton (Taylor & Francis, 2004).
A hand-to-mouth man?
Review of Patrick Jackson, Harcourt and Son: A Political Biography of Sir William Harcourt, 1827-1904 (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2004).
Lloyd George and Churchill
Review of Robert Lloyd-George, David & Winston: How a Friendship Changed History (John Murray, 2005).
‘His presence generated electricity’
Review of Peter Barberis, Liberal Lion, Jo Grimond: A Political Life (I.B. Tauris, 2005).
Man of many talents
Review of Andrew Adonis and Keith Thomas (eds.), Roy Jenkins – A Retrospective (Oxford University Press, 2004).
Why bother with the Liberals again?
Review of David Dutton, A History of the Liberal Party in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave, 2004).
‘Nothing talked of, thought of, dreamt of, but Reform’
Review of Edward Pearce, Reform! The Fight for the 1832 Reform Act (Pimlico, 2004).
The double Duchess and a violently moderate man
Review of Henry Vane, Affair of State: A Biography of the 8th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire (Peter Owen, 2004).
Permission campaigning
Review of Paul Richards, How to Win an Election (2nd edition; Politico’s 2004).