The diary of a somebody
Review of John Vincent (ed.), The Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93): A Selection (Leopard’s Head Press, 2003).
Politics and theology
Review of David W. Bebbington, The Mind of Gladstone: Religion, Homer and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2004).
Former politicians remembered
Review of Iain Dale (ed.), The Politico’s Book of the Dead (Politico’s, 2003).
‘God made the land for the people’
Review of Patricia Lynch, The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910: Radicalism and Community (Clarendon Press, 2003).
Things that never happened
Review of Duncan Brack and Iain Dale (eds.), Prime Minister Portillo and other things that never happened (Politico’s, 2003).
The forgotten leader
Review of Alan Wyburn-Powell, Clement Davies: Liberal Leader (Politico’s, 2003).
‘Why was I born at this time…to know more dead than living people?’
Review of Colin Clifford, The Asquiths (John Murray, 2002).
The big grapefruit
Review of David Walter, The Strange Rebirth of Liberal England (Politico’s, 2003).
Twentieth century politics surveyed
Review of William D. Rubinstein, Twentieth-Century Britain: a Political History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).