Liberals in Ulster
Review of Gerald R. Hall, Ulster Liberalism 1778-1876 (Four Courts Press, 2011).
Liberal Sutton
Review of A Flagship Borough: 25 years of a Liberal Democrat Sutton Council (Sutton Liberal Democrats, 2012).
2010 analysed
Review of Robert Worcester and Roger Mortimore, Explaining Cameron’s Coalition (Biteback Publishing, 2011).
The Orange Book revisited
Review of ‘Eight Years Since The Orange Book: Have the Liberal Democrats “reclaimed” Liberalism?’ (Economic Affairs 32:2, June 2012).
Gladstone and Ireland
Review of Mary E. Daly and Theordore Hoppen (eds.), Gladstone: Ireland and Beyond (Four Courts Press, 2011).
‘Remains to be seen’
Review of Chris Bowers, Nick Clegg: The Biography (Biteback, 2011; paperback edition, 2012) and Jasper Gerard, The Clegg Coup (Gibson Square, 2011).
Scottish Liberal
Review of Willis Pickard, The Member for Scotland: A Life of Duncan McLaren (John Donald, 2011).
Hattersley on Lloyd George
Review of Roy Hattersley, The Great Outsider: David Lloyd George (Little, Brown, 2010).
Lloyd George and appeasement
Review of Stella Rudman, Lloyd George and the Appeasement of Germany 1919-1945 (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011).