The last Liberal landlord
Review of Gerard J. De Groot, Liberal Crusader: The Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair (Hurst & Co.,1993).
Plugging the gaps
Review of Duncan Brack et al (eds.), Dictionary of Liberal Biography (Politico’s Publishing, 1998).
Three acres and a cow
Review of David Stemp, Three Acres and a Cow: The life and works of Eli Hamshire.
Great Parliamentary Scandals
Review of Matthew Parris, Great Parliamentary Scandals (Robson Books, 1995).
Politics on TV
Review of, Party Political Broadcasts: The Greatest Hits (Politico’s Publishing, VHS).
Landowner and minister
Review of Angus Hawkins and John Powell (eds.), The Journal of John Wodehouse, First Earl Kimberley, 1862-1902 (Cambridge University Press, 1997).
The ‘New Liberalism’
Review of George L. Bernstein, Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Edwardian England (Allen & Unwin, 1986).
Rinkagate: the rise and fall of Jeremy Thorpe
Review of Simon Freeman and Barrie Penrose, Rinkagate: the rise and fall of Jeremy Thorpe (Bloomsbury, 1996).
In My Own Time
Review of Jeremy Thorpe, In My Own Time (Politico’s Publishing, 1999).