‘There are things stronger than parliamentary majorities
Review of Alan O’Day, Irish Home Rule 1867-1921 (Manchester University Press, 1998).
Some Gladstonian attitudes
Review of Peter J. Jagger (ed.), Gladstone (The Hambledon Press, 1998).
Falling apart
Review of Patricia Lee Sykes, Losing from the Inside: The Cost of Conflict in the British Social Democratic Party (Transaction Publishers, 1990).
Merger most foul
Review of Rachael Pitchford and Tony Greaves, Merger: The Inside Story (Liberal Renewal, 1989).
Building the Party
Review of Don MacIver (ed.), The Liberal Democrats (Prentice Hall, 1996).
Who did it?
Review of George Dangerfield, The Strange Death of Liberal England (Serif, 1997).
The unknown Prime Minister
Review of Ferdinand Mount, Umbrella (Heinemann, 1994).
Must governments fail
Review of Anthony Seldon (ed.), How Tory Governments Fall (Fontana Press, 1996).
Postwar Liberalism
Review of Arthur Cyr, Liberal Politics in Britain (Transaction Books, 1988).