Graham Lippiatt
civil servant, former Liberal councillor and secretary of the Liberal Democrat History Group
Histories (author)
Graham Lippiatt is the author of the following histories:
Journal Articles (author)
Graham Lippiatt is the author of the following journal articles:
- Jo Grimond: the legacy
- Who did it?
- The Liberal Party and the fall of the Chamberlain government
- The Dictionary of Liberal Biography
- Defender of Liberties – Charles James Fox
- Report: Community politics and the Liberal revival
- Party colours
- Decline and fall: the Liberal Party and the elections of 1922, 1923 and 1924
- Don’t buy this book!
- The watchword liberty
- The King of Showland
- Red Guard versus Old Guard? The influence of the Young Liberal movement on the Liberal Party in the 1960s and 1970s
- Radical Reform Group
- Using Wikipedia to Learn about Liberal History
- Commerce, conscience and constitutions
- Report: The strange birth of Liberal England
- Report: Thorpe bust unveiled
- Report: Liberal Democrats in Europe – 21 years of success or failure?
- Crossing the floor
- Coming home
- Report: Liberalism in the west
- Remembering Jo
- The fall of the Lloyd George Coalition
- Clement Davies – Liberal Party saviour?
- Of rogues and ruin
- Report: Joseph Chamberlain and the Unauthorised Programme
- The Suez crisis
- Liberalism and British national identity
- The greatest Liberal: John Stuart Mill
- Liberals and local government in London since the 1970s
- Working with others – the Lib-Lab Pact
- Report: Founding the welfare state
- ‘A Little Chit of a Fellow’