England Objects to the Treaty of Versailles, June 1, 1919

Journal of Liberal History


  • Problems of continuity

    The 1906 general election and foreign policy

  • The 2005 general election

    Reviews of Andrew Geddes & Jonathan Tonge (eds.), Britain Decides The UK General Election 2005 (Palgrave, 2005), John Bartle & Anthony King (eds.), Britain at the Polls 2005 (CQ Press, 2005), Dennis Kavanagh & David Butler, The British General Election of 2005 (Palgrave, 2005), Pippa Norris & Christopher Wlezien (eds.), Britain Votes 2005 (Oxford University…

  • The Liberal Party and general elections

    Report of Liberal Democrat History Group meeting of February 2003, with David Butler and Neil Stockley.

  • Disappointment or bridgehead?

    Liberal Democrat performance in the 2005 election.

  • Report: Election 2005 in historical perspective

    with John Curtice, Andrew Russell and Chris Rennard.

  • Blissful Dawn? The 1906 Election

    On 7 February 1906, the counting of votes was completed in the 1906 general election, and the Liberal Party had obtained a majority of 132 over all other parties. In addition, for the first time, 29 Labour MPs were elected and shortly afterwards the Parliamentary Labour Party was founded. To mark this anniversary, the Corporation…

  • The 1910 general elections

    Turning points in British politics?

  • Liberals and the 1945 election (1)

    Review of Malcolm Baines, The Liberal Party and the 1945 General Election (Contemporary Record 9:1, Summer 1995).

  • The Inverness turning point

    How the Liberals’ near-miss in the Inverness by-election of 1954 proved a turning point in the party’s fortunes.