On this day 1-5-1997
In spite of the increase in seats, their best showing since the 1920s, the Liberal Democrats share of the vote fell by 1% to 16.8%. The party’s decision to move to a target seat strategy, focusing campaigning and resources on a select number of winnable seats, paid dividends. MPs elected for the first time included Vince…
Report: Catastrophe: the 2015 election campaign and its outcome
Evening meeting of the Liberal History Group, 19 July 2015.
Coalition and the 2015 election
Targeting and its effect on Liberal Democrat performance in the 2015 general election; Can Liberals learn from history?
The 2015 election campaign and its outcome
Analyses of the election result, and a look at what happened to the party’s campaigning machine.
Catastrophe: The 2015 Election Campaign and its Outcome
NOTE VENUE AND START TIME CHANGE The venue of this meeting has changed from the National Liberal Club to the House of Lords (Committee Room 1), and the start time from 6.30pm to 6.45pm. There are several votes in the Lords on Monday, and our chair and one of our speakers are both Liberal Democrat…
Who votes for the Liberal Democrats? And why?
Review of Andrew Russell and Edward Fieldhouse, Neither Left nor Right? The Liberal Democrats and the Electorate (Manchester University Press, 2005).
What the voters saw
Review of Emily Robinson & Justin Fisher, General Election 2005 – What the Voters Saw (New Politics Network, 2005).
‘A sign of arrival…’
Review of Alan Mumford, Stabbed in the Front: Post-War General Elections Through Political Cartoons (University of Kent, 2001).
On this day 6-12-1923
The election had been brought about with the announcement by the new Conservative Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, of a move to protection. The news precipitated a rush to unify the two factions of the Liberal Party and an uneasy truce was agreed in which Lloyd George agreed to support Asquith as leader of a reunified…